
on: Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2008 @: 4:17 p.m.

Revision/study day

Laura is at my house today for a study day. So far I have read through all of my biochemistry and metabolism notes once. Very good I think. She has written 923 words of her assignment so we have both made good progress and it has been much more enjoyable than revising by myself. Surprising really but we have been having specific 20mins sessions for work. A success I say. I am rather chilly tho! We have also been for a dog walk to try and tire Milo out and to get some oxygen flowing to the brain, that however just made me sleepy and hav a headache! Oh well. I have been feeling much better over the last few days I think because of the rest and not overdoing it coupled with eating well. Altho I have had a couple of periods of very sore tummy pains over the last couple of days. Have quite a few plans for the rest of the hols but also quite a lot of time free to revise so hopefully have the balance right. Want to go back to uni feeling refreshed. Don't want to end up feeling iller when i get back. However I need to do enough studying/revision to not feel panicked and therefore more stressed. hmm the mind boggles. At this precise moment in time i feel pleased to have got a good chunk done but also determined to do more. I will definately do some more revision tonight. Tomorrow I have work 9-2 and then am going to the pub with lauren in the evening so shall do some revision in between the 2. Friday evening we are going to lauras house so i will revise in the day and sat and sunday have no plans altho it is the easter weekend so see what la famille is up to. monday night drinks in Oxford so can revise in the day! sorted!


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