
on: Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008 @: 7:13 p.m.

Computer antichrist!

My laptop is broken, it broke on Monday, yesterday (wednesday) I came into the library at uni to use the computers once early afternoon and once in the evening. In the afternoon the comp wouldn't log off my username so I had to ask for help and it wouldn't turn off either. In the evening the keyboard on the comp I was using simply stopped working, I am slightly concerned that I have become cursed, the computer antichrist as my cousin suggested when i said i thought i was cursed. I also seem to have a making holes in clothes that are unsewable(ie when material goes thin then frays and massive hole happens) curse. mayb im just unlucky, mayb my clothes are old, who knows! Just hoping someone sends some luck my way soon please. In other news I found out some happy news about one of my friends today which was good.
I have the doctors again tomorrow for this darned might be a virus might not thing. Best be off the library closes at half past. Will try to update tomorrow if I get the chance after the docs to pop into the library, however it closes earlier on a friday at 6. (docs is at 2.40 so even if theyre running a bit late i should get a chance to use the comps for a bit.) xx


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