
on: Sunday, Mar. 02, 2008 @: 7:01 p.m.

I have a Virus-the people sort not computer sort!

So my feeling under the weather turned out to be a virus that is still ongoing. This week was mainly spent being lazy. The brain development thing on Tuesday was really interesting. It lasted 1.5 hours and I got paid �20 for it so was very pleased. Other than that it has been just going to uni and being in bed with my trusty hot water bottle. Had really bad period pains and other stomach pains this week. As well as my extreme lethargy and feelin sick and shaky etc. Went to the docs on friday, he reckons its a virus and thats wat caused my p to be late and me to feel so awful. Have to go back next week if still feeling poorly. I feel better in the sense that my period pain has now gone and thought I felt almost better just a bit tired. But I have just been hit by another wave of stomach pain and feeling sick and shaky and exhausted. So just sat with my hot water bottle again. Might have a bath in a bit and then get an early night. Despite being ill I managed to get my assignment in on time and cover all the areas I wanted to. I have also done a tiny bit of revision over this weekend as a kind of bedtime reading. A habit I should really keep up now that exams are just around the corner. (2months to go actually but never to early to start. such a geek, but after last years panic need to be ahead of the game this year)Have also started on my sports nutrition assignment which is due in on 14th March, hoping to get that in early to allow more time for revision and to get on with the assignments that are due after easter. Trying to get some work sorted for easter hols as need some pennies to keep me ticking over fingers crossed on that front. Other news is that there are supposed to be heavy snow showers tomorrow so I'm hoping for a nice white blanket to cover the place. I love snow it has always seemed so magical to me, i remember when my nan was alive if it snowed we'd phone each other. phones ringin so gtg x


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