
on: Monday, Feb. 18, 2008 @: 3:59 p.m.

general update

Ok so updating regularly just hasn't happened. I never seem to have much to talk about. at the moment I am at home as I came back for the weekend and this week we have tues and weds off uni and only 2 lectures today so decided to miss today and make it a long weekend. My sister has just been round and we made bran buns which I don't like but enjoyed making anyway. in a bit I need to tidy up and later on make dinner for everyone. This morning I walked Milo and that is about the extent of my day. Em was saying how the new tales from the scales challenge ( is due to start on the 26th and I'm kind of tempted to take part but then again im not sure because I want to be smaller but I dont care how much I weigh. It is nice to see the number on the scale go down however so I am unsure. I do not want my newly found cleavage to disappear but I guess it is inevitable with getting smaller. I would quite like a beach bod ready for summer! haha. I need to continue training for my run which is less than 4 weeks away now eek! so that has been helping but i need to turn it up a notch now its getting ever closer. So whilst I'm not gonna be obsessed with weight loss I would very much like to fit back into my old clothes from when I was skinny (but didnt realise it or appreciate it). Or at least feel healthier and fit better into my current clothes. I'm going back to uni on weds so will probably go food shopping tomorrow afternoon to buy lots of fruit and veg (and other food) to take back as ive been rather slack lately on getting my 5 a day. which i want to achieve even if i am not trying to lose weight. Tomorrow I am going to the gym in the morning and will probably walk milo in the afternoon as i feel i shud as im not at work and have more time and i quite enjoy it if its not raining. So there you have it I am trying to turn my self into a lean mean running machine over the next 4 weeks! As well as getting a bikini bod for summer! Wish me luck!


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