
on: Friday, Mar. 02, 2007 @: 5:23 p.m.


Hi so kirstie is comin for the weekend, so at the moment im just online waiting until its time to get her from the station. My 3 new cds have arrived today (mika, and the 2 bridget jones sountrack cds) so im just listening to one of them now. erm what else to say, were going out for a curry tonight which im rather looking forward to! i was about to say i havent had a curry in ages but thats a lie i had one last weekend. lol well anyway i really fancy it, but both the times before that ive been out for one ive never managed the whole thing. thats the funny thing cos they always look like not much but then i cant eat nemore else ill pop lol! so this is likely to be another sparing entry weekend. so yes after our curry were coming back to mine to get changed cos well smell like curry lol urgh i know! then going out for a few drinks, nothing hardcore as im meant to be taking it easy, the doc said its fine to drink but not heavily and to generally take it easy for a while so no dancing for me :(. oh well if thisll be it sorted in a couple of weeks then i dont mind really :). in 3 weeks its the end of term! yay. were out for jens birthday nxt week it was her 21st on wednesday and we were originally going out tonight but jen had to work so its next week instead. nehoo id best be off i havent got a lot else to say altho im feeling more cheerful today! yay! xxx


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