
on: Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007 @: 5:05 p.m.

the short story

so i went to the doctors yesterday for the full story ull have to talk to me. but for now ive stopped taking the pill as the doc reckons that was wat was causing it and my symptoms were listed under stop taking immediately mid cycle. the doc also said that my bp was so high and getting higher she'd have wanted me to come off it anyway. so for now i have to take it easy for a while cos itll take time to work its way out of my system and back to the docs in just under a month as the fainting thing needs keeping an eye on. i really hope this was wat it is and it shall soon be sorted. and i hope that that was wat made me depressed as well! i guess im hoping a lot but without hope we wudnt be doing too well. today is my day off and it is also jens 21st so happy birthday jen. not up to much today washing again, did some calculations for chemistry, very lazy really was gonna go to shop for milk but its rather poor weather so i might wait until later or just not bother, im sure i can stretch wat ive got left for my breakfast tomorrow. im feeling a tincy bit down but i think thats just where im tired and havent seen many people today, being as its raining and miserable outside its not really going for a walk weather. kirsties coming up this weekend tho so ive got that to look forward to. altho i now know well possibly wats wrong i feel a bit better but i still feel a bit apprehensive and down about the fainting thing. i suppose ill do wat the doc said take it easy for few weeks then try a proper night out again and see how i go. i really hope this is wat it was because i really really love going out and dancing and singing, its especially great after a tough week. :) hmm im getting hungry now i may go and have dinner-home made lasagne that i made yesterday with salad at the same time im trying to see whether its still raining so i can brave it to the shop.


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