
on: Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 @: 5:19 p.m.

every so slightly less lazy

ok so im getting on with my assignment now and actually getting somewhere im just having a break for a cup of tea as i was starting to get distracted. i'm not sure ill have quite enough words but u can usually be between 10 and 15% over or under the word count. im in a funny mood i think its cos i know i need to get this done, but as well cos im still tired from the weekend-note to self get an early night at some point soon! the other thing i think is that im going home for the weekend on friday so its one of those i just want to be there NOW! kinda thing, because im not taking any work with me so its just for having fun and enjoyin time with my family and friends minus ben and geri but i spoke to them on msn yesterday all the way from ecuador! so yes i think im feeling homesick cos its a case of i cant be there but really my train is in 2 days exactly give or take a few minutes so i can settle down with my book when im on the train and look forward to seeing mummy and daddy and the milester! i miss him my baby! lol he'd best wag his tail plenty else they'll be trouble teehee! can't wait to see emsie on saturday either im going to give her such a big hug she'll be squashed! so in the words of a spoilt/ injured child I WANT MY MUMMY! xxx


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