
on: Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2007 @: 6:09 p.m.


ok so today has been very productive. i went to the opticians expecting them to patch up my glasses and to have to get new ones next week or something. however they werent able to fix mine and they said they were still under warranty which i was pleased about because i wasnt aware glasses had warranties what with how fragile they are. so the next suggestion would have been to give me new frames the same and put my lenses in but they didnt have ne so suggested finding some smaller frames and cutting the lenses down to fit i was like do i have to pay which i didnt so there was 3 which were smaller which i didnt like much but they would have done until i could have got some new ones. however in the end this didnt work so they said theyd make up a whole new set and as i didnt really like the frames i chose some different ones. so yes then they didnt have one of the lenses in cos my eyes are different strengths so they said i had to wait until 2moro i was like oh no i have my chemistry pratical for my assessment this afternoon and i cant wear my sunglasses i was more thinking out loud than anything to which he got back on the phone and asked if they had it in ultra tough lenses which r more expensive and they did so he was like come back after one. so i got my new and better glasses made for me today and free! i am VERY impressed with specsavers! yay to them they saved me! much love to everyone xxx


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