
on: Thursday, Dec. 07, 2006 @: 8:11 p.m.

8days til home/18days til christmas!

ok so read the title! i'm getting really excited about going home! as i keep sayin i miss my mumsie! I still have the food trends assignment to finish and to poilish up my microbiology workbook. but meh i shall get that done over the weekend. cor blimey im tired as. so yes my brain really is struggling to function it wants buhbyes. but not yet. the night is young not that im doin nethin much but as friday is lie in day i must be later to bed. so yes today was le university as usual. first lecture we had a quiz using the term lightly it was bloody hard! eek. then we had our seminar where we got to do our lovely presentations. then we had an hour off before our delightful computer exam! it went alright there was one thing i didnt know but managed to get eventually by clicking around. and one mistake which i rectified so yes i am feeling quietly confident. hmm wat else then was food trends lecture before home-in the pelting rain. had an umbrella but the rest of me was rather soaked by the time we got back. it was so nice to put dry trousers on. and have a cup of tea. i booked my train tickets home with emmas help of paying for them on her card-thanks em! then watched Forrest Gump on dvd-i love that film. i lay in bed with some mulled wine and doritos and dip! haha by myself. merely had the doritos cos theyre gonna go off and i cant take them home with me. theres loads left tho so who knows how i will eat the rest. then after that made dinner but discovered my potatoes were off yicky! so grr had to nick some of katies chips-thanks hun! then dunno came here. got buggar all to do im way too tired to be doing uni work, katies gone home, dont fancy being in the kitchen with the other two doing buggar all. so who knows . mayb watch another dvd? dunno i feel like going to bed right now. ooh i know i can read my book! yes thats wat i shall do. so plans for the next week or so: 2moro lie in!!! then uni then come home and do some assignment. dunno bout in the evening. was meant to be going to sheffield one day this weekend but doesnt look like thats gonna happen nemore. so prolly finish assignment. and sleep lots and just wateva. monday uni, then dunno. tuesday uni, docs and going out with people from my course. should be good. wednesday is day off so weve all bar gemma who has to work. got it set aside for the hangover. erm so thursday is the day before going home! eek, so uni which is a bit empty cos its not a seminar week and computers is cancelled cos the exam was this week so we hav a 3 hour break and were not gonna do ne work cos term ends the next day! oh yeh! then thursday night i shall tidy my room, and get as ready as i can. friday i have to get up early and do my washing and put that stuff away pack go to uni come back finish packing eat the contents of the fridge. then trek to the station ready for homelet! eek it all sounds so simple. my bro informs me if i get drunk the time will go faster. think ill try that just finish my assignment first...mayb. so yes then get train and go home. everyones gonna be out except milo mo [dog]. mums gonna leave me some food to hav for dinner. so prolly hav that play with milo in the garden the hav hot bath put pjs on and lie on the sofa watching rubbish tv til they come home drunkard! sounds lush! heehee.


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