
on: Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006 @: 2:52 p.m.


ok so its tuesday and i have a cold. i have been to uni and we had a different lecturer this morning for chemistry which for some reason is called food components here but the lecturers refer to it as chemistry and thats wat it is. hmm neway he was picking names off the register to answer questions such fear went thru me. lol then he wud number the rows in his head and ask someone to choose a number then do the same for the people in the row and i had to answer lol luckily i knew the answer. i keep getting distracted sorry. neway this week is an even week so ive got 2moro off yayness, not quite sure wat i shall do mite go to the cinema (orange wednesdays and student discount-yes we get both means its �1.75 each absolutely bargainous however i may also sleep alll day both seem good options. hmm seems loads of people from back home r ill. ben and geri must have brought the lurgy here with them at the weekend. hmm im rather distracted so i shall buggerous offus. byebyexx


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