
on: Thursday, Oct. 05, 2006 @: 4:51 p.m.


so i have learnt that it rains a lot in manchester seriously its thursday and it has rained very heavily every day since mday and did so a few times last week also. umbrellas are a definate necessity. hmm i appreciate the fact that the heater in my room is under the desk useful for warming legs and tootsies whilst computering. im informed that when it doesnt rain it snows, which is good because i love snow so magical and rare back home. im getting my eyebrows threaded 2moro for the first time so i shall update u on how that goes at a later date. im not really doing a lot tonight tv watching prolly my flatmates gone home till saturday afternoon so i hav one less person to provide entertainment and neway it is raining way too much to even consider going out. 2moro is my shortest day only 1 hour of uni! yay thats until one then im getting my eyebrows threaded and my lip waxed at 4.30 so i shall come back and have ljunch and pass time untili hav to leave for that then by the time i get back itll be time for tea so hav tea then by then itll be later so ill prolly watch a dvd or wateva, saturday i think ill go into town its got so many shops i want to start my xmas shopping-i may as well. then saturday night katie will be back so we're going out, skirts boots and all! lol sunday will be recovering and conserving energy ready for 9-5 uni on monday again! lol i'll also do some of my assignment over the weekend like a good girl. nehooo i dont really have a lot to say other than i have not a lot to do, im gonna go file my notes for today and mayb tidy a bit b4 neighbours then cook dinner and eat in front of hollyoaks probably. cu byebyexxx


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