
on: Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 @: 8:14 p.m.

hello from manch

hello chicketies i do not know where my last entry disappeared to does nebody else? im sure it would hav made most enjoyable reading. so yeh i am now in manchester and hav been here 2 weeks and a day i am super tired and dont feel very well. but unis good i love it. at the same time as i love it i miss everyone from home loads and cant wait to see them. as i am now a nutrition student i am free to judge that chocolate is healthy. spo yeh i dont really hav a lot to say ive just eaten way too much chocolate. got my first assignment to do at uni today. so far several of my worries about uni have been squidged into insignificance. my bunsen burner fear squashed on the first day, making friends and getting on with my flatmates did happen and i did a presentation the other day i volunteered to go up from our group of 5 woo go me. i have to say i am thoroughly sick of cookinbg and washing up urgh. and paying to do my washing is just wrong! im walking to my campus each day which is half an hour there and half an hour back so muct be good for me! lol nehoo i must be off now byeeexxx


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