
on: 2006-02-03 @: 11:39 a.m.


phew! so i booked my party last night its on the 13th May eeeee. i'm very excited. :). so an aim for the entry would be for it to be very long but im not sure that i have that much to say but here goes. yesterday i did some work on my food coursework instead of going to an assembly, then i had english where we had a mock which i reckon i did not too shabbily in. then in the evening work which was good, booked my party as i said so it was good. today i have phoned pat and invited her clan to said party. then showered etc and came online and had cup of tea. later on i shall go to 6th form. i may also put some credit on my phone. then come home and do stuff have dinner, go to laus, come home and go to bed. 2moro i'm either swimming with my sister or going to my grans and mayb going for a drive in my car. sunday working 9-3 and probably doing homework and relaxing when i get back, watch ER on e4. then lounge for a bit longer before going to bed. i get a mini lie in on monday because my english teacher is otherwise engaged. tuesday i have another coursework lesson in english wednesday i dont know and then next thursday i do believe i have a driving lesson then 6th form then work and friday well who knows but its ages away. the next week will be half term where i will be off around the country. so yes i shall be off now that u know wat i am doing for the next 2 weeks. byesie byexxxx


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