
on: Sunday, May. 07, 2006 @: 8:41 p.m.

patience my dear child is a virtue

hello there viewers. i am currently waiting for something to download but it is being rather slow so i must be patient. news: its my 18th birthday on thursday and im having a party on saturday. its pink themed. so yesterday when i got home from work and we went to sainsburys mum and i set to work and made 153 pink fairy cakes! we also got smarties on our trip to sainsburys for food colouring, they were on offer in multipacks buy on get one free. so naturally we bought 80 tubes and mum had bought 3 tubes that morning. so last night we seperated the pink smarties out for my cake and the rest are surplus. thats a lot of yes wont be hungry for a while, well i am hungry but im being good. today showed mummy the room at leisure centre where party will be then went shopping-i spent rather a lot of money but i needed all i bought due to not fitting my clothes nemore as they're too big. i got a ball dress, a skirt and trousers for work, shoes and a cardi, spent �195!!! eek. nevermind i hardly ever go shopping and the stuff for work is useful cos it will be used to earn money so twas more than an investment ;). so to inform you of the goings on in my life this week. tomorrow i have 6th form then mummy and i are going to go shopping for foodie bits for my party. tuesday 6th form and work. wednesday 6th form then eyebrow wax. thursday birthday!!! 6th form and out for meal. ben is coming back on thursday so he can come out with us! yayness. friday is mummys birthday not sure wats happening yet other than 6th form and party preparations. saturday is the party and all the preparations. sunday is recovering and work. then monday back into the monotony of 6th form! all the excitement will be over. hmm the thing is almost half downloaded.


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