
on: Tuesday, May. 13, 2008 @: 7:28 p.m.

One exam left

So I am absolutely knackered and rather feel like going to sleep for a week. However I have my last exam tomorrow and don't feel prepared. I am having a break from revision right now.
Tomorrows exam is immunology and genetics and just to prove I can remember something I'm gonna write some of it below.

The gene involved in PKU is chromosome 12 q23.2

Cystic fibrosis = chromosome 7 q21-34

Prader Willi Syndrome = chromosome 15 q13-15

ob/ob genotype leads to leptin deficiency.

hmm what can i remember about immunology

innate and adaptive immunity,

An antibody is Y shaped (I can draw diagrams!)
Mammals have 5 isotypes IgA, IgG, IgE, IgM, IgD.

There are four different types of transplant autograft, allograft, xenograft and i cant remember the other!

theres a hell of a lot more that i need to know, ive done soo much revision but it just isnt going in!

anyway that proves i remember some stuff! hope u enjoyed it!
back to normal posts soon xx


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