
on: Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 @: 6:47 p.m.

Last week of term

So term ends tomorrow for the easter break and boy do i need it with this lingering illness. I have made the (i think sensible) decision not to do the 6 mile run on sunday, i think i would struggle too much due to being ill still. I also just want to go home, if i do the run i would need to stay up here until monday. If I dont I can go home tomorrow after uni and should be back in time for tea tomorrow! Feel in need of some TLC (everyone here has been lovely but i miss my home) from my mum and a big cuddle with my doggy. Think I need a general lazy few days. blood test results take 2 weeks so the hols will be half way thru by the time I know what was up. I need to start feeling better as I have 2 assignments to do over easter and revision for exams! eek stress. I feel quite relieved to be going home 2moro. I have started to pack but i dont seem to be taking much, normally my suitcase needs to be sat on to get it closed but it is only half full at the mo. altho i havent packed any shoes or pjs yet. My books and notes and straighteners along with my steroid creams and hairbrush are there, some packed and some on top so that after i use them 2moro i remember to take them hopefully. I really do feel like I need a good few days chillaxing as im starting to feel fed up because of feeling ill for the last 3 weeks, I think for me going home tomorrow is the right thing to do, i feel disappointed to be missing the race but happier now that i can go home 2moro. I really have yakked a lot about the same thing! I have a major headache right now so shall be off. So looking forward to going home! x


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