
on: Saturday, Feb. 02, 2008 @: 6:58 p.m.

Snow, Smartie cookies and an old people's home

So you're probably thinking what on earth is the title of this entry about. Well it's pretty hard to think up original titles these days. I'm just sat here drinking a lovely cup of tea and thought I should probably update. I'm very bad at updating lately. So the snow well, the weather forecast was snow for yesterday but I didn't quite believe it would actually happen. Walking to uni yesterday morning it kinda drizzled and hailed, the rest of the day was pretty much the same. Then last night I was coming downstairs to put the kettle on for my hot water bottle when I noticed a strange whiteness outside the front door(the outside light lit it up but you can't see properly because it's stained and frosted glass) So I peered through the peep hole and there it was a beautiful blanket of white snow! I was excited, so me and Gemma went out in our dressing gowns and took photos! This morning when I woke up it was even thicker and then began to snow again, unfortunately it has all melted now, but it was nice whilst it lasted. I've always liked snow, it feels so magical and it's so rare at home down south, moving up north was worth it lol.
So the smartie cookies, I got the recipe for these somewhere years ago(possibly in the paper) and I used to make them all the time. My sister made me a recipe book for my last birthday, in which were a few recipes from our mum's recipe book (I wrote the smartie cookies one in there) and she put the smarties one in there. So today I was reminded when I was flicking through the book wondering what to make. They were yummy and a few remain although im sure they wont last long!
And now for the explanation about the old people's home. At uni we are doing a project on elderly nutrition working in groups (I'm with Gemma and Naomi so I'm happy) anyway it involves making 2 dishes then deciding on a final one which we make and goes into a competition to be judged by elderly people. We also have to write a report analysing the food etc, each group has a different complaint (ours is emphysema) and other factor (vegetarian for us). Gemma thought it would be useful to go to a care home and ask the cook and the elderly people what they like. So we arranged to go to one and went today. We ended up staying for two hours talking to the staff and the residents there. In fact I quite enjoyed myself.
For the rest of the day as I said I made cookies. Have been reading my book that I bought yesterday. It's nearly finished which is good because its a good book but also not so good as then I need something else to read! Had a little nap this afternoon and just had my dinner. Should do some more uni work tonight, although I'm so on top of it I can afford to leave it until tomorrow. I have two assignments due on friday one of which is finished and printed out and one of which won't take me long at all as I have already done the hard part. In some ways I quite enjoy doing assignments, there's satisfaction in getting them done but also for the majority of them this year the subjects are quite interesting to me.
So to summarise everything's going quite well at the moment(touchwood).
Even better Kirstie, Kim and Laura are coming for the weekend next weekend and I'm very excited, hoping to have a whale of a time. (on a side note what is it that whales do thats such fun as to inspire that phrase?)


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