
on: Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008 @: 4:01 p.m.

Sport relief

ok so today I was just flicking through the manchester people pamphlet that was put through our door when i saw a teeny tiny piece about the sport relief mile in manchester on 16th march and indeed all over the country, i asked gemma whether she would do it with me and she said yes so i went online to sign us up, her bf Jem is doing it with us as well. and there was an option of 1, 3 or 6 miles, so we decided to go for 6, a bit more of a challenge. Im hoping to run or at least jog it. I'm really looking forward to this as it is a real challenge for me. So I need to start training so i can actually run it, walking 6 miles is fine but i really want to run it soooo much! so from here on in i am in training for it, im really pleased as it gives me something to work towards. we finish term for the easter break on the 14th march so i will have to stay that weekend as the run is on the 16th. I'm very pleased as I always see things like this happening but never manage to see things when u can enter them or if i do the one in oxford will be when im in manch or vice versa so im very pleased. Finally altho 6 miles isnt that far for me it is a challenge and i will need to train for it. There is a sponsorship widget on the top left of this page with a link to my sponsorship page if you want to have a look, altho at the moment no sponsorship has been pledged on there. so i have yakked here perhaps making little sense, but sport relief 6 miles BRING IT ON!


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