
on: Monday, Jan. 07, 2008 @: 3:54 p.m.

New years resolutions and general chit chatting

ok so I have thought up a few new year resolutions/aims for myself for this year. admittedly some of the year has already passed but still.
They are as follows:
Go to the gym at least 6 times a month(this is a bit of a random figure but i want it to be achievable. for example there may be a weekend when i go home or have people to stay and would therefore not go to the gym or i may be ill for a few days. I figured that 6 times would mean at least once a week whilst not being so many times that i fail straight away.)
Get more calcium is another aim, mainly because at my age i am at the later stages of building up my bone density for life(different sources state different ages 20somethin is the usual and i am 19). so anyway i usually have cereal and milk for breakfast so the aim is to have some other form of calcium as well during the day eg a yoghurt.
Oily fish once a week or more is on my list because despite being a nutritionist and knowing how fabulous it is for me i just dont get enough. twice a week is the recommended amount but for now once a week is better than none.
Being happy is another aim, altho that cannot be measured. I have a few strategies in place to try to achieve this aim, to some this may seem odd but for me it is a good aim, more making an effort not to get stressed about things etc.
And I think thats it on the new years resolutions, all health related there.

As you can see they are not I must lose 10million stones. Yes I do feel a bit chubby but I know once i get back into my routine of the gym etc i will look better. I do not wish for my breasts to shrink therefore no excessive weight loss if u please.

Back to now, the title does say general chit chatting so here goes. Got back to uni yesterday after the christmas hols. Anna's birthday was during the holidays so we had a tea party for her last night, lizzie did all the effort, making yummy enchiladas and a delicious cheesecake, both were fab and im hoping i can book her for my birthday too! heehee. it was really nice cos all us housemates were there and a great way to start the term catching up with each other and chillaxing, had a few glasses of wine and watched bratz the movie which was rather cheesy but still watchable.

I have so much to say but I shall save some for another day.

By the way i've thought of another resolution: No food or drinks near my laptop now its fixed! :P


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