
on: Thursday, Nov. 15, 2007 @: 10:35 p.m.

biochemistry, the rac, a sore foot, and other such things

ok so i managed to think up an original title for this thing! well entry i suppose. yet again i havent updated for ages. most of the time i have to be in a certain zone to update which i guess i am in now. i am currently sat in the kitchen with a glass of water on one side and a big cup of hot chocolate on the other! lots to say i guess.
so firstly i have a biochemistry and metabolism assignment due in next week so i need to get working on that. got loads more assignments as well so need to get things done b4 their actual deadline eg 4 things due in last week of term well 3 assignments and a presentation i think. especially as next weekend my mum and pat are coming up and the weekend after kim and kirstie are coming that only leaves me with this weekend and the last weekend of term! so must get going on that. ive done all my graphs for it its just the write up and jiggling to do now.
next subject the rac, gemmas car broke down so had to call them, they were really helpful tho and the bloke was nice. shes now on her way.
Next i hurt my foot the other week a stupid game gone wrong, no alcohol was involved i must add. so trip to hospital there! its loads better now but still sore. gives me an excuse not to go to the gym!
so yes i kinda skimmed over most of that. i am in fact rather tired as we speak but i have put my washing in not long ago so will have to stay up until thats finished so i can put it to dry. i think i will look thru one of the books i got out of the library today in a minute for some inspiration. i really need to get motivated to do some work! in fact i need to become a workaholic for a few days!
ok so i really am starting to feel sleepy now. sorry if this entry doesnt make sense!


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