
on: Friday, May. 18, 2007 @: 6:34 p.m.

C'est finis

so here I am I made it through! I have now reached the end of my first year of university. and how does it feel? very strange! i'm gonna miss everyone. This year has gone so fast and quite a lot has happened but we've made it out the other side. Tomorrow I am going home for a weekish. I have packed my small suitcase with clothes i wont be needing when i come back up like winter woolies and things like my labcoat which i dont need now that i dont have uni for a while-4 months! lol. its gonna be so weird not having any assignments or revision to worry about. itll take a while to get used to being able to relax without feeling guilty that i should be doing some form of work. And ive pretty much packed everything else i'll be taking home. just need to sort out my notes cos theyre definately going home! dont wish to see them for a while lol! keeping my books here tho cos they have interesting stuff in them! in case i want to know a random fact. what else to say? what the plan is i guess, im going to get up at 7 tomorrow and leave as soon as im ready which i am anticipating will be about 8ish. then drive home hopefully without getting lost or ne other such things. then home. monday im taking em to the docs in the moro. tuesday is Stevies funeral [those words are so horrible to say]. my only plans for the rest of the week are to sort through, dejunk, tidy and clean my room at home. RELAXING is essential tho, being as the last well whole time ive been here theres always been some work or revision to be stressing about the summer is here to replenish mind body and soul or something along those lines. basically to have fun. i have to come back to manchester to sort a few things out and to be sociable! but right now after the events of the last week i am especially glad that i can finally go home. after all home is where the heart is. NO MORE EXAMS! for a while anyway. and hopefully i will have passed them all, i dont want to do retakes. microbiology is a possible borderline i reckon.


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