
on: Monday, Feb. 26, 2007 @: 3:23 p.m.

back in manchester

hi, im back in manchester after my all too short weekend at home. ive been back for roughly 1 and a half hours. ive just done some washing and its now in the dryer. im having a cup of hot squash to keep me going for now. not really got much food in but i do have some left over spag bol that i got out the freezer for tea tonight. im gonna go to asda tonight and stock up, i think a list is needed! the question is wat do i want? i really ought to plan my meals for at least a few days. i guess the rest of today will just be a doing bits and bobs kind of evening. i need to wash up some stuff that i left before the weekend. so my weekend at home was good, especially enjoyed my eatathon with gemgems! lol chinese it was so yummy, i could fancy it again right now! that was on saturday night in the day i went shopping with emsie and i got a denim skirt and a pair of leggings-shorter than the ones i already have. sunday i had a lie in then went up to work to get my payslip from the shifts i did at the beginning of january-a pitiul wage of 41.23! lol oh well better thn nothing. then home for a yummy sunday roast. and off to see kimmi! after visiting kimmi i had to make an emergency trip to emmas so i could take my goodnight mr tom dvd back to manchester with me, ended up staying ages as we were trying to make a dvd with photos and stuff, it was really good fun making it but ems comp crashed! :( i had to go home cos it was getting late and i had to be up for my train this morning. oh well it doesnt matter if its not rescueable i liked looking thru the pics neway. so yes my weekend was enjoyable it would have been nicer if it had lasted longer. however im looking forward to the easter holidays a lot more now! lots of relaxing to be done before the stress of exams, revision is essential too. hmm so i am indeed very hungry and not really sure i can find nething to eat at this point in time! its just occured to me that i do in fact have ice cream. i want to be good tho, mayb ill eat a few cashew nuts and try to distract myself before dinner which i think ill have early at like 5 or something, only an hour and a half away-can i wait that long is the question? distraction is the answer! i have docs again tomorrow and im a bit nervous about going, i dont really like it as it often feels like they dont believe u and stuff! however i must persist! au revoir!


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