
on: Sunday, Jan. 14, 2007 @: 1:38 p.m.


hey so its sunny outside! yay i actually cant remember the last time i saw the sun! so i must go outside and get vitamin d while i can! i need to go to the shop i think it shall have to be asda cos i want nice bread and mini tescos may not have enough choice i may however make a slightly longer walk to get as much of the sunshine as possible. sunshine usually puts me in a good mood and already im feeling more positive just cos i know its sunny out there so yes, i think im only buying enough for tonight and 2moro so i guess ill have to go again tuesday afternoon or mayb i can stretch it to wednesday as i have got pasta in the cupboard. so i spring cleaned my room yesterday and friday after uni its much better, i sorted my wardrobe out and everything and filed many weeks worth of notes-im so bad at that must get into the habit of filing them every night. however already my room needs hoovering again, however i shall leave it until at least 2moro. at the mo im just waiting for my cream to soak in b4 i go to asda. then i suppose go to asda come back have lunch do wateva have dinner then get ready-im going out for a drink with the lovely paul again tonight! dunno wat time yet but meh. so thats something to look forward to. uni 2moro doesnt seem quite so bad as it did last week. chemistry in the morning the food commodities in the arvo, 9-5 but shud be ok. i expect 2moro night i wont do a lot monday nights always seem to be the quiet ones for me. tuesday uni is only til one this week-yay, then we got wednesday off, dont think i will do nethin too wild on tuesday night as i have doctors early wednesday morning, then i either wanna go shopping or join the gym finally, cos once ive joined if i have nothing to do i can go there-stops me sitting at home getting down + exercise releases endorphins so i shud be even happier-score! lol this is another one of those yakkity yak yak entries that doesnt say a hell of a lot. oh well im happy enough just typing away. yay its sunny!!! so my aim for the week is to join the gym and not be in a grumpers. tally byexxx


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