
on: Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006 @: 3:16 p.m.


so my chickens lots of news. the last few days have been overall very productive and fun, with a few hiccups in between but im overall happy. so ill start tuesday afternoon. we went back to bronaghs and had yummy lunch. then i had to go to the doctors. i said about my fainting and stuff amongst everything else i went for and he shrugged it off. nehoo he'd taken my blood pressure and did the thing so tight that ive still got marks on my arm today! so neway went to pharmacy and got my prescriptions. there was a nice smack head in there. went back got ready and went round to bronaghs. her and gemma did my hair all nice. then we went out, we went to varsity first, then to the oxford and then to footage, where we did karaoke-all i want for xmas. danced etc and had a right laugh. catherine and mandy had to leave early to get the train. so we carried on. i managed to faint again! and the day id been to the docs how ironic. so we didnt stay for that long after that. was awesome neway. went back to bronaghs for abit them home to bedlet. yesterday was day off. didnt do much in the day. went to asda. did my microbiology work and stuff. went of for a drink with this guy paul in the evening, katie did my hair all nice for me. had a really good time. then today got up went online for a bit went to uni came back and now here. need to sort out my notes and file them and tidy up. might be off out later. then 2moro up early to get washing done and pack. go to uni come back and last minute checks then trot to train station, well get the bus. get on train get off at oxford change trains get off at didcot walk home. and then I'LL BE HOME! lol wait for everyone to get in from the dinner dance thing theyre going to. yayness! not sure whether to take my advent calendar home or just eat all the chocs 2moro.


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