
on: Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 @: 2:37 p.m.

pros and cons of life in general

pro-i can drive
con-i have to buy petrol
pro-i've completed one exam
con-4 more to go
pro-i've got lots of camp over the summer
con-some of it clashes with reception
pro-im young free and single
con-im too busy with exams to make use of it.
pro-my bum is in really good shape
con-my legs and stomach arent
pro-i have long nails
con-they are in a bit of a state.
pro-gemgems is coming round tonight for wine, dvds and yummy food
con-i'll get fat!
pro-it looks like it might rain which is greatly needed
con-its all dark.
pro-we're getting a sexy new bathroom
con-its all dusty.
pro-i love the colour pink
con-not everyone does
pro-i have grown lots of herbs from seed recently and also lavender, asters, carrots, lettuce and larkspur, also have nutured a tomato plant from being rather small to rather large.
pro-i have just done some washing
con-the sky has since darkened considerably.
pro-i can feel less guilty if i dont go anywhere for a walk.
con-getting fat again!
nehoo readers im guessing that wasnt very interesting to read but heh my journal, my words. or sometimes em's when she takes over. hmm perhaps i shall find some random quiz to do to pass more time before i go back to revision. xxx


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