
on: Sunday, Apr. 23, 2006 @: 4:51 p.m.

Long time no see

So yes my journal was under siege by the wheelchair princess that is my sister. Sorry for the lack of entries lately i have been busified and ill[tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, cold and chest infection] so on tuesday it is D-Day that being driving test day! eek. im remaining positive. On a bit of a health kick in that having lots of smoothies and eating lots of vegetables at the moment to try to ensure optimum health for my test. My sister says on her journal she doesnt know wat to get me for my birthday, i think good health is enough. Also a driving license but neither of those are things she can get me. I have to get them myself, i suppose she could somehow cheat the system and get me those but hmm dont think so id rather do it myself. so more vitamin rich foods it is. and good driving during my test and for life. eeek im excited, i know that i can pass, i also know that i could fail, however a positive attitude should mean i am less nervous and therefore more likely to pass-somehow. i think i will probably end up crying with relief afterwards whether or not i pass. I've suddenly become very superstitious and paranoid. Someone told me that psychologists think if u paint ur toenails a bright colour it will put u in a positive mood for the day as u look at them in the morning-e.g in the shower. So my toenails are now bright pink. The nail varnish that kirstie once bought me for christmas-ive used it so much i cant believe there's any left. Where to drive to first when i pass my test is the question? even if it isnt on tuesday. and who to phone first either way? who knows. may the force be with me!!! In other news it was delightfully sunny yesterday, to the extent that when i got in from work i put on my shorts and strappy top, sunglasses and hat and basked in the sun. As i keep being informed how white i am and vitamin d is gained. I felt very mellow afterwards. but was careful to drink plenty and not spend too long in the sun. my health is very precious in the run up to my driving test. i know it should be all the time and hopefully it will be after my test but especially now. right im sure i shud buggar off now and leave all u chickities back to ur own devices, thanks for reading or not reading either way i write wateva the hell i like. Happy St. George's day, happy birthday Shakespeare and happy birthday to my grandad who is no longer with us. Happy birthday to anybody elsexxx.
byexxx take care. update soon on driving test or nerves beforehand.


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