
on: 2006-02-19 @: 2:22 p.m.

an interesting, some might say life changing week

hey everybody! i havent updated for very nearly a week! and wat an interesting week it has been. on monday i worked camp and met the new dm. then i had a driving lesson in which i did dreadfully. tuesday camp and then reception, wednesday i went to manchester metropolitan university, it was very nice, i had to have an interview type thing which i wasnt expecting but it went well. the uni was in a really nice area, and was much better than my expectations. then thursday i went to look at bournemouth uni which was grotty and disorganised. it was odd because i thought it wud be the other way around. nehoo i have decided not to go to bournemouth uni-it is between glamorgan and mmu. so that was my lifechanging thingy. friday i worked camp which was good-i was leader and found it hard but by the end of the day felt much more confidant within the role. friday night i went to emmas and we went to sainsburys and bought fatty foods-yum. lol must be good soon. yesteday went to grans and then to work. came home and lazed. this morning i had a super mega lie in! then have lounged and updated english coursework. i have also sorted my clothes out and am throwing out the fat ones! very exciting especially as some of them used to be too tight and are now WAY too big. yayness that has put me in a mellow mood and inspired me to get my diet back on track. phew! update on that front soon. so this week, 2moro i have my basic food hygiene exam, then after 6thform i shall do some work on my food coursework. tuesday 6th form then driving, after driving i shall update my english coursework further. wednesday i shall do more food work after 6thform.thursday 6thform and work, friday 6th form saturday work then jess h's party. next sunday i do no know yet. nehoo update soon xxx.


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