
on: 2006-02-11 @: 6:21 p.m.


hey! so on thursday morning after my driving lesson i broke my ipod and followed all the advice on fixing it. today finally after leaving it for 24hours as the website advises as a last resort before sending it for repair, it worked-all fixed which is great. so yesterday i got my english coursework back to improve on-my teacher talked to me for nearly 20 minutes about it. then last night people came over and i banged my arm really badly-it went all swollen and bruised, its very sore lol! quote of the night from kimmi:dont beat the plant! today have had work and not done much since i got in. i'm going to emmas in a bit to watch a dvd. then 2moro i have work and am coming home to make a roast. its all good xxx.


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