
on: 2006-01-24 @: 4:45 p.m.


my sister always writes really philosophical entries that seem to contain deep thought. mine however mostly comprise utter crap and random mutterings. she says we shud all think of something we do each day that we are proud of so lets think about these things. wat have i done today that i am proud of? my food homework! lol. yesterday i reversed my car off the drive for the first time ever and it was in the dark, then i put petrol in for the first time. yay go me. sunday-went to the meeting at work despite being very hungover. saturday i stood up for myself at work-which apparently was the right thing to do. at the time i was quite bothered about it. friday-went to the pub with my sis and we walked there despite not knowing how to get there we made it so go us! thursday well that was quite a while ago so i cant remember but nehow now that ive tried it does seem easier to find something i'm proud of even if its only one tiny thing. and on that note i shall leave u. so what have u done to be proud of lately? xxx


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