
on: 2005-11-17 @: 3:48 p.m.

jazz hands!

hello! so here i am feeling rather chirpy. i am attempting to pass time before having dinner before going to work. did u get that? good. so yes my toes are dancing. both of my english lit lessons were cancelled today so i have been bored. so information about me since saturday when i last updated. sunday went to work despite feeling crappy and went hyper so it was ok. monday 6th form, tuesday 6th form then went food shopping and make gluten free cakes for my project. wednesday went to 6th form to discover computer programme that prints edible ink onto icing wasnt working so put cakes into freezer for another day. in the evening went to help at 6th form open evening which involved me talking to people about why they should take food tech. and waving my hands around in a stupid fashion. i got some balloons and as it was at the lc stayed for a bit and looked thru a dudey catalogue which sells the best stuff ever for childrens parties. including an adults chicken suit-i want one. so today i had 6th form and started the critical thinking crash course ready for the exam in january. eek. lol silly ol me. so now i am here until i feel the need to leave. later i have work, 2moro driving lesson then kimmi is coming over. saturday work then im going to the cinema with my sister and for dinner. sunday im prolly going for a drive in my car then working bowls and sumwhere in there doing homework too. so yes i shall depart now chickies bye byexxxx. luv u :)


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