
on: 2005-09-13 @: 6:28 p.m.

doesn't time fly

hello i was thinking about how time flies. sometimes things seem ages away and the next thing u know they're here. soon my close friends will start turning 18 it seems really scary because yes i know a lot of people who have turned 18 but as yet it has never been one of my close friends. also quite a few people have or will be having their driving tests soon. nehoo an interesting thing i was listening to my cd on my cd player and my mum has now turned hers on and i can hear a mix of both cds and my mothers singing it is pure craziness. i walked to my sisters house with the dog earlier which hopefully counts as good exercise due to the distance and the fact it was hot. the weather seems very dull its not dark but one could almost need a light on. ah well i'm feeling exhausted and theres no fun going on here at the moment. i have decided i need some more pictures on my phone so u people had better watch out. i really don't have a lot to say. byebyexxx.


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