
on: 2005-04-07 @: 8:16 p.m.

i got tackled to the ground by a five year old!

hello. so yes one of the [very cute] kids managed to tackle me to the ground when i was playing with a ball with him today. luckily no1 saw. heehee. my hair is still wet from swimming which i finished at 12 today [it is now 8.15] i also tried to do the whole hula hoop thing today it stayed up for about 2 goes round. it was hilarious watching everybody else try to do it cos they all have different techniques and without the hoop there wud have looked rather dodgy. i'm going shopping 2moro yay im really excited and have a huge list of things i want to get. i may leave some of it off and go shopping next weekend well the 16th. then work 2moro night saturday off, i dont know what i am gonna do yet but i'm sure i can think of something. or i might just have a really relaxing day or write some of my essays yes that seems like a good idea because i havent really got much further so yes saturday is now earmarked for working on the sainsburys essay which reminds me that i must finish the film up on that camera. ok so i am randomly thinking out loud but does it really matter. hell no. i discovered today that this months pay i.e my extra from the work im doing over the next couple of weeks will be paid on my birthday yay! a great present if u ask me. the cut off was last sunday which means im getting paid on wednesday as well. i have no idea how much it is gonna be cos i havent worked it out and also i lost my diary so havent written when i've worked down. blimey not even half past eight todays camp went really fast but home has been going slow. lol which wud normally be good except that there isnt a lot to do. maybe i will go and watch my little britain dvd i am in the mood for that. i managed to get the goals down at work today with much more ease than recent times although it was still a struggle i have decided i need to build my arm muscles up. i'm gonna go now and try to work out how much money i will have earned over the easter break. byeeeexxx


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