
on: 2005-04-03 @: 8:33 p.m.


hello, bonjour etc. it's me again no1 has updated their journals there is not really a lot else to say i went to work and ended up eating chocolate and crisps and drinking diet coke lol healthy. they were 1p goes to charity crisps so not as bad for me. erm yeh that is about my life ive got work again 2moro then waxing. then milo walking if its not dark when we get back then eating and sleeping i expect. tuesday=no work but i am going to tidy my bedroom woo go me. im working in the day wednesday and thursday but want something to do in the day on friday cos im only working in the evening i think. that may be wrong. either way i urgh. i feel a bit crappy im really tired but i keep sleeping really badly at the moment and now i have pins and needles in my foot dammit. lalala i really do not have any social life at the moment. nevermind im sure i'd be too tired for it anyway. so yes i am just yakking because i have nothing better to do. hmmmm la la la. update ur journals people then i have something to read when i come online. cheers big ears mwahxxx. huggles.


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