
on: 2005-03-17 @: 8:24 p.m.

social life?

so it turns out other than my miniature entry earlier i havent added an entry since mothers day. that is truly shocking lol. to be honest i cant really remember what i have done since then so i will start on kimmis birthday and inform you of the things i remember. so kimmis party was quite good. i had to go early cos my lift fell through and my mum had to go pick my dad up from the hospital. we basically had a great time and ate lots of crap. and we got party bags with princesses on and at the bottom the said this belongs to princess and mine said sophinda. yay. saturday i worked for all of 3 hours on parties. sunday worked 3-10.30reception which went pretty quickly. monday had my eyebrows waxed. tuesday ye and work . wednesday i ended up working cos person was ick. today i am really knackered. i have been to 6th form. to see my nan, had 3inches cut off my hair and it still seems really long when its down but a lot shorter when up. went to tescos then back to my nans then back here. oh also went to ortho on tuesday and to see work placement person on wednesday. placement starts monday morning 9am. plans:2moro 6th form possibly shopping on saturday and sunday work monday placement lasting till thursday when i really want to have a party as friday is a bank holiday dunno wat else other than my leg really hurts. dammit. best go hobble to the loo now. so yes the point of the title is that i have had barely any time to socialise.


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