
on: 2006-03-20 @: 8:46 p.m.

101 in 1001

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as new year�s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.
2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.
3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.
4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.
5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.
My Deadline Is: Sunday, December15, 2008

1.only eat homebaked bread for 1 month.
2.walk/cycle everywhere for 1 week. the recommended amount for 1 week.
4.wear something pink everyday.
5.always wear a hat/sunglasses if its sunny.
6.cycle everyday for 1 week.
7.make my own clothes.
8.spend all day in the park watching the world go by.
9.sleep outside and this time see a shooting star.
10.say only positive things for 3 days.
11.get a tattoo.
12.get the top of my ear pierced.
13.start a new scrapbook and keep it up.
14.journal properly for 1 month.
15.get a manicure.
16.accept compliments.
17. try to see the best in people.
18.try something new every month.
19.pass my driving test. the maize maze at millets.
21. take up a sport.
22.get up as soon as im supposed to for 1 week.
23. plant a tree.
24.complete race for life or similar. to everyone i see for 1 week.
26.tell someone i love them once a day.
27.go crabbing.
28. have a garden party.
29. eat a coconut.
30. grow vegetables.
31.go to uni.
32. encourage people to do what they want to do even if i dont agree.
33.have 5 a day everyday.
34.swim in the sea. a book once a month.
36. toast marshmallows over a bonfire.
37. get my hair part braided again.
38. dance like a loon.
39. don�t criticise for 2 weeks.
40. be happy for 1 week.
41. stop and sniff the flowers.
42. get down to 9st7lb or less.
43.let my hair dry naturally at least once a month.
44.keep my room tidy for 2 weeks.
45.drink home made sangria.
46. build a snowman and have a snowball fight.
47.learn a new word each week.
48.barbecue some food.
49.make a roast dinner.
50.outside ice skating. into size 10 from new look!!! a food ive never eaten before.
53.go on a tractor ride.
54. buy pink lego.
55.colour a picture.
56. go at least one day a week without eating more than 4% fat. to Abingdon in my car.
58.have a ride in kimmi�s car.
59.give emma a lift in my car.
60.go to wittenham clumps.
61.learn to hula hoop.
62. tork like a farrrmer.
63. learn a dance to a song.
64. win a game of pool against ben.
65. grow some flowers.
66.convert someone to lycra boxers [preferably a man].
67.convert someone to the delights of pretty bras/knickers. 150 star jumps in a row.
69. learn to juggle.
70. light a fire and keep it going.
71. watch the hunchback of notre dame and Cinderella.
72. cocktail party.
73.go to a proper ball.
74.ride in a limo.
75.get a matching shoes and handbag set.
76.keep a secret.
77.write a letter to someone. poker and win.
79. help someone.
80.learn all the words to a really cheesy song. a friend once a week.
82. get a princess on board sign for my car.
83. watch childrens tv programmes. a philosophy book.
85.stay at emmas.
86. watch fraggle rock.
87.make a beaded bracelet that has meaning.
88.make a gingerbread and sweetie house.
89.go for a run.
90.get a debit card.
91. learn to play squash.
92. paint my toenails a ridiculous colour. the sunrise.
94. watch the sunset.
95. play monopoly to the bitter end even if it takes all night.
96.make my own crisps. fireman sam.
98.learn ALL the words to the sunscreen song.
99.go out for coffee.
100.get a digital camera.
101.on day 1001 write another 101 things to do in 1001 days list.


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